WP 1 – “ERA-NET Coordination and Management” is led by Denmark (DTU) as Coordinator with the UK (UKRI/Defra) as Deputy Coordinator. WP1 runs until the end of this ERA-NET Cofund action. The Coordinator and the Deputy Coordinator will work in close cooperation with the WP leaders (WPL) in the Network Management Group (NMG) for the implementation of the Co-fund Call and the other joint activities.
Main tasks of WP1:
- Coordinate the ICRAD ERA-NET and manage the relationship between the ERA-NET, the CWG AHW, the STAR-IDAZ IRC and other European actions
- Manage the financial aspects of the ERA-NET, taking into account international partners
- Manage and supervise an effective communication and information exchange, internally between Network Consortium (NC) partners and externally with the EC and other initiatives.
WP 2 – “Platforms development and management for the Cofund call” is led by Germany (JUELICH) as WPL and France (ANR) as deputy leader (WPD). This WP runs until the research projects start, including the launch of the Co-fund Call, the national/regional grant negotiation phase from proposal selection to final commitment. The team of WP2 is the Call Secretariat for the Co-fund Call.
Main tasks of WP2:
- Provide the online platform for the launch of the Co-fund Call
- Design the Guidelines for the Call (including the proposal templates) and the Guidelines for the evaluation
- Provide the online platform for the monitoring of projects resulting from the Co-fund Call.
WP 3 – “Procedure for the evaluation and selection of the proposal for the Cofund call” is led by Turkey (TUBITAK) with Russia (ICISTE)as WPD. WP3 runs until the end of the selection process.
Main tasks of WP3:
- Select and manage the referee during the whole evaluation procedure
- Provide the final legal commitment from the funders to the EC after the selection of the proposals
- Provide the pre- and full proposal selection results to the Call Secretariat (CS)
- Establish an online monitoring system for report management and data collection (together with WP2, WP4 and WP5)
WP 4 – “Follow up projects” is led by Germany (BLE) with Turkey (TAGEM) as WPD. WP4 runs from the start of the projects selected under the Co-fund Call to the end of the ERA-NET, monitoring the funded projects for their duration.
Main tasks of WP4:
- Define project monitoring indicators that fulfil national/regional and Horizon 2020 criteria
- Monitor project progress and reports o Perform project evaluation and impact assessment
WP 5 – “Communication and Dissemination strategies” is led by Italy (IZSAM) with Greece (DEMETER) as a WPD. WP5 runs until the end of this ERA-NET Cofund action. An integrated, strategical approach is needed to ensure the scalability and sustainability of this programme in order to:
- Strengthen European collaboration in achieving scientific excellence
- Maximise the use of the results not only by the potential beneficiaries but also by further stakeholders, policy and decision makers, and other researchers to generate new cycles for innovation
- Engage society in raising awareness on the research impact
Main tasks of WP5:
- Develop an effective communication and knowledge exchange among ERA-NET partners and relevant stakeholders
- Disseminate the main results from the co-funded research projects
- Promote exploitation of the project outputs for the wider benefit of non-participating Animal Health research funders and other stakeholders in EU and Non EU Countries
WP 6 – “Additional activities” is led by the UK (UKRI/DEFRA) with Spain (AEI) as a WPD.
The main task is to define and implement 2 additional calls without EC co-funding subject to commitments from partners Further, WP6 reviews current and expected outputs from previous Animal Health ERA-NET calls, to inform short- and medium-term research priorities and address perceived gaps in relevant international strategy documents.
Main tasks of WP6:
- Preparation and launch of a 1st and 2nd additional calls. Prioritization of topics for the calls will be
based on the results from the co-funded call, updated research agendas and information from other
initiatives in and outside EU. - Development of an Implementation Plan (IP)
- Preparing for the future of ICRAD after the ERA-NET Cofund
WP 7 – “Ethics requirements” is led by Denmark (DTU). The objective of WP7 is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ asked for in the Ethics Summary Report.
The 7 WPs and how they interrelate